Check - In
Check-in time is 4:00 PM or after.
Please do not arrive at the property prior to 4:00 PM, as the cleaning staff needs sufficient time to prepare for your arrival.
There is not a key for this property. The front door locks and unlocks using a four-digit code. Your four-digit code for your stay will be the last four digits of the phone number provided at the time of booking.
To lock and unlock the door, simply press the four-digit code on the keypad and the door will lock and unlock from the exterior. The door locks manually from the interior of the home.
Check - Out
Check-out time is strictly before 11:00 AM.
Before your departure, we would appreciate if you would take care of the following:
Leave all used beds unmade.
Place all used towels, including beach towels & makeup towels, in the shower.
Load the dishwasher and start it.
Gather all trash & place it in the large blue trash can by the road.
Move all furniture, including outdoor furniture, back to original location.
Store kayaks & paddles in original location.
Hang all life jackets in the storage building.
Turn off all lights.
Check all doors and windows to be sure they are locked.